Pascal Febvre answering questions after KAU Lecture on Superconducting Electronics Kyiv Academic University 12:45 5 years ago 55 Далее Скачать
Pascal Febvre about Superconducting Electronics - KAU Lecture Kyiv Academic University 1:04:16 5 years ago 206 Далее Скачать
ATLAS Exchanging Knowledge No 4 "As Found Experiments in Preservation" by Prof.dr. Bie Plevoets ECIA Loes Bliek 1:08:15 2 days ago No Далее Скачать
Talks - Exotic New States In Superconducting Devices - Mark Blamire, University of Cambridge SPICE 30:44 7 years ago 339 Далее Скачать
Superconnected Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge 7:45 11 years ago 211 Далее Скачать
a charged particle is accelerated using accelerating voltage V. if lamda is the debroglie Arwa and physics 6:09 32 minutes ago No Далее Скачать
Theoretical Predictions of Superconducting and Superhard Materials | Eva Zurek (Univ. at Buffalo) PhysicsCWRU 1:05:18 3 years ago 189 Далее Скачать
Strategy for accelerating nuclear innovation: A discussion on next steps Berkeley Engineering 58:15 7 years ago 2 203 Далее Скачать
Dr Quan Li Research Interests - Superconducting Technology (proxy presenter Kevin Kails) School of Engineering, the University of Edinburgh 2:48 8 years ago 153 Далее Скачать
Rob Schoelkopf: Experimental Platforms: Superconducting Circuit Institute for Robust Quantum Simulation 1:28:16 1 year ago 420 Далее Скачать
The Center for Applied Physics and Superconducting Technologies (CAPST) WebsEdge Science 5:02 6 years ago 232 Далее Скачать
Answer: What area of research could lead to breakthroughs in the next 10 years? Nobel Prize 1:30 14 years ago 386 Далее Скачать
Pratap Raychaudhuri - Phase fluctuations and pseudogap state in a disordered superconduct International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 45:50 11 years ago 533 Далее Скачать